Psychosynthesis Circle . . .
moving forward
with the work of John Firman and Ann Gila
Consultation and/or Supervision
Consultation is offered to interns and licensed therapists and requires no knowledge of psychosynthesis. This consultation service is for those who:
are seeking guidance in their work with clients
are struggling in their therapeutic relationship with a particular client
need support or mentoring as a beginning therapist
are questioning what psychotherapy is
are wishing to integrate the use of imagery or sandplay in their work with clients
are seeking to find their psychotherapeutic orientation
find themselves bored or irritated with a specific client
are wondering if their countertransference issues are interfering with their ability to be present with their client
are questioning who they are as a psychotherapist
are confused about whether being a psychotherapist is a role, or a way of making a living, or a call to service
wish to explore what it means to integrate a spiritual or transpersonal perspective in their work with clients
wish to deepen their understanding of psychosynthesis theory and see its relevance to their psychotherapeutic work
Consultation services are also available for life coaches.
Email Ann, Betty, or Svetlana if you are interested in individual or group supervision/consultation, either as needed or as an on-going service.