Psychosynthesis Circle . . .
moving forward
with the work of John Firman and Ann Gila
Marta Franca, M.A., M.F.T.
To contact Marta, e-mail her at: francamg@gmail.com
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Registered Play Therapist. I am bicultural, having been born in São Paulo, Brazil, but I now have lived half of my life in the United States. I am bilingual, speaking both Portuguese and English.
I first moved to California in 1993 and after six years I moved to Portland, Oregon where I attended Portland State University and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology and a Graduate Studies Certification in Early Intervention Special Education.
In 2004 I moved back to California. I went on to study psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP) where in 2009 I received my Master of Arts degree in counseling psychology, along with a certification in creative expression. It was at ITP in courses with John Firman and Ann Gila that I was introduced to the field of psychosynthesis. To this day, I have been deepening my understanding of psychosynthesis by continuing to study with Ann.
For the past ten years, I have been providing psychotherapy and counseling services to children, adolescents, and parents. I have worked in public schools, in community agencies, and in a group private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. My education in child development, early intervention, and special education have all enriched my knowledge and contributed to my work as a psychotherapist.
I am passionate about working with children, adolescents, and parents. I believe that each person is on their own journey and has the innate drive to grow, to mature, and to heal. As a psychotherapist, my role is to provide the appropriate support and guidance to facilitate the unique growth and healing process of each individual, whether child or adult.
In my free time, I enjoy listening to music; dancing; reading; watching movies and documentaries, including Brazilian television and movie productions; being outdoors; spending time with my family; and taking walks with my sweet dog Susie.