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Psychosynthesis Palo Alto Distance Learning Program


The Psychosynthesis Distance Learning Program comprises three courses. Each one is a prerequisite for the course that follows, and each course builds on the previous one. Please note: These programs are educational programs only. Please email Ann for further information.




Course I

This course is designed for those who wish a strong foundation in psychosynthesis. The course includes both conceptual and experiential content and focuses on psychosynthesis personality and developmental theory. The course includes readings, experiential exercises, and three thirty-minute conversations with the instructor via Zoom. 


Experiential The experiential aspect involves exercises focused on inner dialogue, subpersonalities, disidentification, childhood history, authentic and survival unifying centers, and Self-realization. For each exercise the student will write a one-page report that will be emailed to the instructor for comment.


Materials The student will be provided with a syllabus that includes an outline of the nine individual lessons, the reading assignments, and the experiential exercises to be completed for each lesson. The text for this course is Psychosynthesis: A Psychology of the Spirit by John Firman and Ann Gila (SUNY Press, 2002). The book can be purchased online from  SUNY Press  or  Amazon . The readings will also include additional articles that will be mailed to the student. 

Papers In addition to the seven exercise reports, there are two papers required in this course. They are not academic or research papers but instead ask students to reflect upon and apply their understanding of the material. The papers will be three to four pages in length, and the student will be provided specific instructions for each. The papers will be submitted via email and will be returned with the instructor’s comments.

Time The course is designed to be completed in ten weeks, with approximately three hours per week of reading, writing, and exercises. However, the pace is up to the individual student provided the course is completed within one year of receiving the materials. Upon completing the course, the student will receive a certificate of completion and will be eligible to apply for Course II.

Fees The cost of the program is $600 (this includes tuition and all materials except the required text, Psychosynthesis: A Psychology of the Spirit by John Firman and Ann Gila which must be purchased separately). Upon acceptance to the course, this fee is due in full and is not refundable. For students who live outside the United States, the fee can be paid by international money order or wired through Western Union.

Who Should Apply The distance-learning course is open to anyone who wishes to begin to apply the principles of psychosynthesis in their personal or professional lives. Psychosynthesis has been used by psychotherapists, family therapists, pastoral counselors, body workers, spiritual directors, business people, lawyers, physicians, nurses, artists, writers, social workers, educators, hypnotherapists, parents, and many lay people seeking to foster their own personal growth.

Application To apply for the course, please email the following information to

1) Name, address, phone number, email address
2) Education, training, and profession
3) Past personal growth experience (programs, groups, therapy, etc.)
4) How you intend to apply the training

Upon reviewing your application, you will be notified by email. For more information please call (650) 322-0817 or email


Course II

This course builds on Course I and is for those who wish to explore more deeply two essential models in psychosynthesis: the stages of psychosynthesis and the developmental model as presented by Firman and Gila. Course II includes readings, experiential exercises to further the student’s understanding of psychosynthesis principles, and three one-hour conversations with the instructor via Zoom. At the completion of each of the eight lessons in the course, the student will be required to write a three-page paper that will be returned with the instructor’s comments.

Materials The student will be provided with a syllabus that includes an outline of the eight individual lessons, the reading assignments, and the experiential exercises to be completed for each lesson. The experiential exercises will be in the form of written instructions or a CD. The text for this course is The Primal Wound: A Transpersonal View of Trauma, Addiction, and Growth by John Firman and Ann Gila (SUNY Press, 1997). The book can be purchased online from  SUNY Press  or  Amazon . The readings will also include additional articles that will be mailed to the student. 


Time The course is designed to be completed in approximately twelve weeks; however, the pace is up to the individual student provided the course is completed within one year of receiving the materials. Upon completing the course, the student will receive a certificate of completion and will be eligible to apply for Course III.

Fees The cost of the program is $1000. Upon acceptance to the course, this fee is due in full and is not refundable. For students who live outside the United States, the fee can be paid by international money order or wired through Western Union.


Course III

This course is designed for professionals—psychotherapists, spiritual directors, counselors, teachers, coaches, and others in the helping professions. The text for this course is A Psychotherapy of Love: Psychosynthesis in Practice (SUNY Press,
2010) by John Firman and Ann Gila, and the topics covered in this course include psychosynthesis therapy as a journey model, spiritual empathy, therapist as authentic unifying center, the death and rebirth of the therapist, power and ethics, and empathic resonance. This material will be explored both conceptually and experientially through the readings, exercises and questions posed by the instructor. Students are required to write six five-page papers that will be returned with the instructor’s comments, and there will be three one-hour conversations with the instructor via Zoom.

Materials The student will be provided with a syllabus outlining the six lessons within the course, the reading assignments, the experiential exercises to be completed, and the questions to be addressed for each paper. The experiential exercises will be provided in the form of written instructions. The text for this course is A Psychotherapy of Love: Psychosynthesis in Practice by John Firman and Ann Gila (SUNY Press, 2010). The book can be purchased online from  SUNY Press or Amazon . The readings will also include additional articles that will be mailed to the student.

Time The course is designed to be completed in approximately ten weeks; however, the pace is up to the individual student provided the course is completed within one year of receiving the materials. Upon completing the course, the student will receive a certificate of completion.

Fees The cost of the program is $1000. Upon acceptance to the course, this fee is due in full and is not refundable. For students who live outside the United States, the fee can be paid by international money order or wired through Western Union.

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